As per physics, stress is the force applied per unit area. The definition is simple and leads to the formula – stress equals force upon area. This leads to a simple and obvious implication: stress will be greater if a large amount of force is applied on a relatively smaller surface.
When it comes to mental stress, the notion is similar. We’ve all come to a point of stress where we reach a point where there is too much to do in a short period of time. In such situations, our minds fail us. This directly or sometimes indirectly leads us to mental stress.
For students, one kind of stress is common, i.e. examination stress. Impressively, some students beat this smartly as they not just score better but also enjoy working in a stressful situation. However, a huge portion of the student population fails to work in such situations, which consequently leads them to hopelessness and inferiority complex. This is truly catastrophic.
Examination stress originates from worries. One presumes the harmful consequences which inevitably lead them to fear. Remember, fear is the main cause of a stressful mind.
However, stress is not completely a negative term. We all need it to make our days more productive. But, constant stress proves contrary. When students are concerned – since they are sensitive and amateur –stress truly can have a harmful impact on their life.
Luckily, we are here to point out a few effective ways to reduce stress during an examination. Don’t worry, the solution is not a cliché like “you should start studying from the very beginning” (which by the way you should). Our guidance, however, aims to fix the horrid phase when one is completely blank and finds examination just a few days ahead.
The first recommendation in combating stress is dealing with procrastination. This starts with an analysis. One has to analyze each subject – how much is covered, and how much is left? A thorough estimation of what lies ahead including everything from minor to major is the first step of planning.
Most of the students fear even opening the book as they get more and more terrified of the uncovered topics. But the key in such a scenario is to ‘Be Brave!’ Open your book, face your procrastination, face everything and come to terms with where you went wrong.
When you come up with the entire list of topics that you have to cover, the next step is to arrange it according to level of priority. Such sequencing becomes complicated when you handle interrelated topics. For instance, it is mandatory to understand acceleration before studying force. In such a situation all these interrelated topics become a priority. For example, if force is your priority then simultaneously acceleration becomes your top priority. It doesn’t matter whether acceleration is a part of the syllabus or not. To understand force, one has to go through this topic and only then can he/she easily figure out that force equals when mass multiplies with acceleration.
While doing this, it is important not to get overwhelmed by time limitations and amount of work left. Your job is just to get the data.
Now, that the topics are analyzed and arranged as per levels of priority, the next thing is to imagine and believe in all good things, specially self-reliance. Be motivated! Feel that nothing is impossible and imagine yourself to be a perfectionist. This is the time when you have to efficiently make a plan. A well-engineered plan can tackle every challenge and contribute to an impressive result. While planning, you should avoid any superhuman strategy. Be honest and make a plan that you think can be achievable.Our suggestion is to reduce your timeline to at least a day. Save an entire day for revision and relaxing before you step into your battlefield.
Here comes the time when you should avoid any kind of distraction and start working hard. Social Media, video games, movies, television series, messenger applications, and YouTube are some of the common distractions that can eat your whole day. Remember, you should be focused on your plan. Don’t let Netflix or Snapchat gobble up this very crucial time. Rather an intelligent planner would use technology as an aid and not a distraction. For instance, if you find any topic difficult to understand, YouTube has several lectures and informative videos that can significantly help you to understand those topics. Therefore, you should be smart enough to differentiate between productive and unproductive activities. The option of streaming through the latest standup is truly a foe while access to an online lecture can prove be your best friend.
Working hard is an art in itself. You should never be too harsh on yourself. Taking 5 to 10 min break after every hour of study is necessary to avoid burn outs. Chill out, smile, and believe – you are working hard to fix everything. Bring to your mind; you have to derive pleasure out of everything you do. Try making doodles on what you have studied, make it entertaining. Turn them in to sing song jingles or just teach what you’ve studied to an imaginary class and see how much energy it brings to your demeanor. In no time, every topic covered will soon be checked off from your to do list.
Meanwhile, it is of prime importance that you take care of yourself. Eat healthily, keep a bottle of water with you (always), and sleep for 8-10 hours a day. Don’t forget to celebrate little achievements. Pat your back with every topic you cover. Take care of small things and all big things will fall into place.
The Bottom Line is
Stress is a self-originated problem which leads to poor concentration, anxiety, and catastrophic thinking. Yoga, meditation, mindful thinking and planning can be effective in balancing stress. Keep the negative thoughts out of your mind and work hard to score better in the upcoming examination. Good Luck.